Unique Thank You Card from B & B Guests!

We were delighted to receive this wonderful 'Thank You' card from a lovely couple of our B & B guests who stayed at BallyCairn House for several days this summer. This image shows the card fully open so that the front and back are on view. The guests used their own photographic images, taken inside and outside the accommodation, to create this exciting, unique photomontage.
The bottom left image (taken from BallyCairn House front garden) shows a stunning view of the Paps of Jura mountains in Scotland, as they appear on the horizon of the Irish Sea in silhouette at sunset.
We are not often lost for words and simply want to express how much this kind gesture means to us.
#gratitude #holidayaccommodationireland #embraceagiantspirit #Tourismireland #TourismNorthernIreland #shapedbyseaandstone #causewaycoastalroute